Outside Lands 2022

Outside Lands 2015

Outside Lands 2014

Outside Lands 2013

I've painted at Outside Lands music festival for multiple years with Another Planet. Shout out to my good friend Chez who first pulled me in and then working with Jevin for years as the curator. You can see multiple photos here of different years of painting the eight foot by 20 foot surfaces. I've been very fortunate that the team always allowed me to play around with different concepts.

You can also see that one year for the Twin Peaks stage, I was able to design the stage design for that. Overall, Outside Lands is fun, very useful, very tapped in on what's what is and what is coming up in music culturally. It's a fun festival. I always have fun painting it, and I always try to give the viewers something different over the years to participate in. At one point, friends started calling it "Apexer Lands," because I had so many murals—just like a little fun thing people would say.

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