Bishop 2021
Worchester 2017
Chinatown 2015
I've been very fortunate to meet Jasper and Kamea and their team that were running Pow Wow for years. You have images here of multiple murals in Taiwan Pow Wow, Oahu, Hawaii Pow Wow, Long Beach Pow Wow, and Worcester, Massachusetts Pow Wow.
It's always fun to be able to paint during a mural festival with a lot of your peers and just get that camaraderie together and pushing each other to paint in different techniques and better and just that meeting of minds within your peer group. And how can you complain about painting in the wintertime in Hawaii, where you're in shorts most of the time? But for the other locations, it was always the same thing—meeting of minds in these different cities and seeing the community come out and support us creating these murals. And these murals are, for the most part, in-kind donations and for the love of it. And yes, it's like one of the most fun things that any muralist can do, in my opinion, is to participate in a mural festival.
I'll speak specifically on one mural out of this set, which is from 2019. Me and Kartos painted a collaboration mural with her ladies in black and white, and then my abstract elongated or terminated crystals coming out of the ladies. So the piece on the left is kind of like the woman has three different faces, and you have this very colorful crystal cluster inside of her being revealed, kind of like her crystalline body ideology being shown.
And then on the bottom, you have a woman that the front of her face is gone, and the crystals that are the colorful rainbow crystals of the universe is spilling out into the world, kind of like how we can take our ideas, visions, thoughts, feelings, and that all hold different frequencies and colors that are tied to those frequencies, and we can project them out into the world. I think it's very important for women to have that power and to stand in it and share it with the world as they see fit.